This is a time when Canada must harness its community-driven resilience. We’re asking you to share examples of how Canadian communities are responding to the crisis with creativity and imagination. Collective problem-solving and collaboration will be instrumental in how Canada mitigates the local impacts of COVID-19 and creates on-the-ground solutions.
Highlighted Initiatives
WIFF — the Windsor International Film Festival — is Canada’s largest volunteer-run film festival, selling over 43,000 paid tickets in 2019.
In 2020, due to the pandemic, WIFF cancelled its traditional festival and organized a drive-in event called WIFF Under The Stars. Selling out, the event attracted 7,000+ guests to safely enjoy films for adults and families alike.
Toronto resident creates map showing places in the city that are offering takeout and delivery
Resource for supporting local restaurants in Toronto during COVID-19, showing the places that are offering takeout and delivery.
Small farms and businesses create virtual farmers market
Virtual Farmers Market made up of a dozen small farms & businesses based in the Oak Ridges Moraine offering no-contact home delivery.
Ontario BIA Association shares list of resources for local businesses across Ontario
Ontario Nonprofit Network collects information and resources for nonprofits
ONN has collected information and resources for nonprofits on the frontline, including communication strategies, business continuity planning, and updates on funding and resources.
Feed Ontario calls for donations of food and cash
Feed Ontario calls for donations of food, along with funds to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.
2,300 retired, part-time, faculty, and full-time nurses answer call to help with Telehealth wait time
To deal with the inundation of calls to Ontario’s provincial health line Telehealth, the Registered Nurses of Ontario recently put out a call for help. CEO Dr. Doris Grinspun said within 30 hours, roughly 2,300 nurses volunteered.
Caremongering Northumberland County
Northumberland County-based Facebook Group for fostering community, offering support and resources, sharing opportunities/events that may be helpful to support community members, and organizing and staying connected to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. The space is also for the redistribution of resources, and for people to post about any needs for support (emotional or physical or otherwise).
Caremongering Niagara
Niagara-based Facebook Group for fostering community, offering support and resources, sharing opportunities/events that may be helpful to support community members, and organizing and staying connected to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. The space is also for the redistribution of resources, and for people to post about any needs for support (emotional or physical or otherwise).
Un musicien de Montréal organise un festival hebdomadaire de tambours sur balcons, porches, toits
L’événement hebdomadaire, organisé sur Facebook, invite les participants à tambour sur leurs balcons / porches / toits le dimanche de 14 heures à 16 heures. Avec assez de gens tambourinant, l’événement vous rappelle que vous n’êtes pas seul.
Local Montreal musician organizes weekly drumming festival on balconies, porches, rooftops
The weekly event, organized on Facebook, invites attendees to drum on their balconies/porches/rooftops on Sundays from 2pm to 4pm. With enough people drumming, the event reminds you that you are not alone.
Caremongering London
London-based Facebook Group for fostering community, offering support and resources, sharing opportunities/events that may be helpful to support community members, and organizing and staying connected to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. The space is also for the redistribution of resources, and for people to post about any needs for support (emotional or physical or otherwise).
Lyle S Hallman Foundation lifts restrictions to grantees
Lyle S Hallman Foundation lifted restrictions on current grants and committed to maintaining 2020 funding. Details include:
- Removing all restrictions on current grants. Any LSHF grant dollars being held toward a specific project or program can now be considered unrestricted. Money can now be used for anything: giving staff paid quarantine days, addressing changes in service demand, paying rent, anything that’s needed. Grantees do not need to advise the Foundation or seek approval first.
- Providing the maximum flexibility in the timing of reports for the remainder of 2020. Multi-year grant payments will still flow as scheduled, even if the progress report is delayed.
- Committing to maintaining planned grant levels in competitive funding envelopes through 2020, regardless of the state of the markets.
CareMongering Kingston
Groupe Facebook de Kingston pour favoriser la communauté, offrir du soutien et des ressources, partager des occasions/événements qui peuvent être utiles pour soutenir les membres de la collectivité, et organiser et rester en contact pour s’assurer que les membres vulnérables de la communauté ont accès à la nourriture, au logement, aux soins de santé et à d’autres produits de première nécessité. L’espace est également pour la redistribution des ressources, et pour les gens à poster sur tous les besoins de soutien (émotionnel ou physique ou autre).
CareMongering Kingston
Kingston-based Facebook Group for fostering community, offering support and resources, sharing opportunities/events that may be helpful to support community members, and organizing and staying connected to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. The space is also for the redistribution of resources, and for people to post about any needs for support (emotional or physical or otherwise).
Uber Eats supports restaurant industry during COVID-19
The company has created a support package to promote “contact-less” delivery from local restaurants, which includes waiving delivery fees, and a daily payout option to assist restaurants with cash flow.
CareMongering Hamilton
Hamilton-based Facebook Group for fostering community, offering support and resources, sharing opportunities/events that may be helpful to support community members, and organizing and staying connected to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. The space is also for the redistribution of resources, and for people to post about any needs for support (emotional or physical or otherwise).
Cinq organismes de services sociaux de Guelph combinent leurs efforts pour répondre au COVID-19
Royal City Mission, Drop In Centre, Hope House, Wyndham House et le Guelph Community Health Centre ont annoncé qu’ils uniront leurs forces pour mieux servir les personnes vulnérables de Guelph.
Five Guelph social service agencies combine efforts to respond to COVID-19
Royal City Mission, Drop In Centre, Hope House, Wyndham House and the Guelph Community Health Centre announced they will be joining forces to best serve the vulnerable people of Guelph.
City of Guelph offers free public transit to slow spread of COVID-19
Service changes to Guelph Transit include:
- cancelling late night bus service for University of Guelph students
- offering free transit service through April 15, 2020; removing the need for people to come to City Hall to buy/renew bus pass/OnYourWay fare card
- asking all customers to board and exit the bus using the back doors (rear boarding only). People with accessibility needs can continue to board and exit using the front doors.
- operating on a Saturday schedule (every 30 minutes) Monday to Saturday, until further notice. No impacts to Sunday service/frequency.
CBC journalist creates list of supports for artists and freelancers during COVID-19
The continuously updated list directs artists and freelancers to emergency funding, advocacy groups, online training resources, health and mental health resources, and temporary/remote job opportunities.
Distilleries across Canada retool to supply free hand sanitizer for those in need
Canadian distillers across Canada have retooled to produce hand sanitizer–either for free for people working in essential services or for purchase to regular consumers.
Les services publics canadiens suspendent les déconnexions pendant le COVID-19
Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners (CUSP) suit les services publics canadiens qui offrent des secours aux clients pendant la pandémie de coronavirus, notamment en suspendant les déconnexions, en offrant des plans de paiement, des subventions et d’autres aides.
Canadian utilities suspend disconnections during COVID-19
Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners (CUSP) is tracking Canadian utilities offering relief to customers during the coronavirus pandemic, including suspending disconnections, offering payment plans, grants and other assistance.
Webinar on initiatives to help businesses mitigate impacts of COVID-19
Webinar outlining 12 initiatives to help businesses mitigate the effects of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic: for the travel and tourism industry, destination marketing organizations, downtown associations, downtown retail shops and restaurants throughout the United States and Canada.
Imagine Canada’s information and resources for nonprofits dealing with COVID-19
Imagine Canada is supporting Canadian charities and nonprofits on the front lines of dealing with the current COVID-19 pandemic in Canada with updated information and resources.
Le Réseau canadien d’intervention musulmane (RCRM) lance une campagne pour soutenir les personnes les plus vulnérables au virus COVID-19 et aux effets de l’auto-isolement.
Le Réseau canadien d’intervention musulmane (RCRM) lance une campagne pour soutenir ceux qui pourraient être plus vulnérables au virus COVID-19 et aux effets de l’auto-isolement. Divers kits contenant des produits d’épicerie essentiels ainsi que des produits d’hygiène et d’assainissement pour les personnes âgées et les familles ayant des besoins désastreux seront distribués à des centaines de foyers à travers le pays au cours des prochaines semaines.
Canadian Muslim Response Network (CMRN) launches campaign to support those most vulnerable to COVID-19 virus and to the effects of self-isolation.
Canadian Muslim Response Network (CMRN) is launching a campaign to support those who may be more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus and to the effects of self-isolation. Various kits containing essential groceries as well as hygiene and sanitation products to the elderly and families in dire needs will be distributed to hundreds of homes across the country in the coming weeks.
Partout au Canada, les distillateurs produisent du désinfectant et du désinfectant pour les mains.
Partout au Canada, les distilleries artisanales et les petites distilleries de lot intensifient et offrent leur alcool à leurs clients ou à des organismes locaux. Artisan Distillers Canada a dressé une liste de ces distillateurs par province.
Distillers across Canada are producing disinfectant and hand sanitizer.
Artisan and small batch distilleries across Canada are stepping up and offering their alcohol to their customers or local organizations. Artisan Distillers Canada has put together a list of those distillers by province.
Tools and resources to manage your business through the impacts of COVID-19
The Upside Foundation has compiled a Google Doc of tools and resources to help early-stage, high-growth companies manage the impacts of COVID-19.
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