This is a time when Canada must harness its community-driven resilience. We’re asking you to share examples of how Canadian communities are responding to the crisis with creativity and imagination. Collective problem-solving and collaboration will be instrumental in how Canada mitigates the local impacts of COVID-19 and creates on-the-ground solutions.
Highlighted Initiatives
The Windsor pizza club encourages participants to dine with 8 partnering pizzeria – and if you eat at all of them you will be rewarded with a commemorative t-shirt.
Did you know that Windsor boasts its own style of pizza that it claims is the best in the world? The library has posted a page on the history of it here.
COVID 19 et rue Main : Soutien local en toute sécurité (Webinaire)
Enregistrement webinaire. Depuis le début de la pandémie COVID-19, les programmes de la rue Main ont rapidement fait preuve d’un soutien aux entreprises locales et à l’ensemble de la collectivité. Ce webinaire fournit des mises à jour de la Fédération nationale des entreprises indépendantes sur l’impact sur le milieu des affaires et les ressources et les orientations actuelles, suivie d’une table ronde des directeurs de programmes locaux et du travail qu’ils font pour #SupportLocalSafely.
COVID 19 & Main Street: Supporting Local Safely (Webinar)
Webinar recording. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Main Street programs have been moving rapidly to offer support to local businesses and the community as a whole. This webinar provides updates from the National Federation of Independent Businesses on the impact to the business community and current resources and guidance, followed by a panel discussion of local program directors and the work their doing to #SupportLocalSafely.
Élaboration d’une chaîne d’approvisionnement en désinfectant pour les mains pour les communautés autochtones
En collaboration avec Covidhealth.ca, une coopérative de petites distilleries du sud de l’Ontario se réoutint pour produire des désinfectants et, avec l’aide de Solutions à valeur partagée, la nation Nishnawbe Aski, le Traité du Grand Conseil #3, Global Medic, la Chambre de commerce de l’Ontario, Air Canada, FedEx et Diageo, la première expédition de plus de 6 000 litres de sanitizer à main- arrivera très bientôt dans le Nord des Premières nations.
Developing a Hand Sanitizer Supply Chain for Indigenous Communities
Together with Covidhealth.ca, a cooperative of small distilleries in southern Ontario is retooling to produce sanitizer, and with the help of Shared Value Solutions, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Grand Council Treaty #3, Global Medic, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Air Canada, FedEx, and Diageo, the first shipment of over 6,000 litres of hand-sanitizer will arrive in northern First Nations very soon.
Website organized by city shows businesses that are open/serving
City resources are organized by sector and for each business approach to serving is indicated (e.g., pickup, delivery, online)
Agriculture and food jobs in Ontario during COVID-19
One-stop-shop that highlights employment openings and training resources in Ontario’s agriculture, agri-food and food industry jobs supporting the response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Chiefs of Ontario – COVID-19 Resources for Members in Urban Centres
The Chiefs of Ontario has compiled a resource list that has many services that are available to Indigenous communities in our urban cities and small towns across Ontario.
Open source recipes to be used in quarantine during a global pandemic
Toronto chef Nick Chen-Yin has compiled a free open source cookbook with recipes from his colleagues across the city.
Le site Web de l’Association des municipalités de l’Ontario offre de l’information et des faits sur le virus, des mesures prises, des recommandations et des exigences relatives à l’urgence.
L’Association des municipalités de l’Ontario (AMO) offre également l’occasion de soumettre et de prioriser les questions pandémiques liées à la municipalité
Association of Municipalities of Ontario’s website offers information and facts about the virus, steps taken, recommendations and requirements pertaining to the emergency
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) also provides opportunities to submit and prioritize municipally-related pandemic questions
Une entreprise de bière qui fait correspondre des fonds pour ses contributions à http://rallyforrestaurants.ca
Le site rallyforrestaurants.ca est une plate-forme pour acheter des cartes-cadeaux à utiliser dans les restaurants une fois qu’ils rouvrent.
Beer company matching funds for contributions to http://rallyforrestaurants.ca
The website rallyforrestaurants.ca is a platform to purchase gift cards to use at restaurants once they reopen.
Twitter thread by Toronto Councillor updating residents on provision of shelter for those experiencing homelessness
Includes information on hotels, motels, buildings acquired, shelters, overnight programs and funding to community partners to provide services
Victoria Assigns Parks Staff To Start Growing Food For Residents
City councillors in Victoria, B.C. passed a motion Thursday to expand an urban food production program by temporarily reassigning some parks department staff to grow 50,000 to 75,000 seedlings to give to residents in May and June.
Toronto co-op holds community sing-a-long
Fieldstone Co-op in Toronto held a community singalong, with members taking part from a safe distance apart on their balconies and in the garden.
Ressources COVID-19 pour la communauté des personnes handicapées
Un nouveau site Web pour la communauté des personnes handicapées comprend des ressources en constante évolution provenant d’organismes de personnes handicapées partout au Canada, une liste d’organismes qui offrent du soutien pendant le COVID-19 et une section « Rant, Rave and Recommend » pour les histoires de première ligne.
COVID-19 resources for the disability community
A new website for the disability community includes ever-developing resources from disability organizations across Canada, a list of organizations providing support during COVID-19, and a “Rant, Rave and Recommend” section for stories from the front lines.
University Health Network’s OpenLab helping vulnerable seniors by mobilizing volunteers to deliver groceries and other household essentials
The Friendly Neighbour Hotline connects seniors living in low-income housing in Toronto to a network of volunteers who can help with picking up groceries, household essentials and food bank items. The service gives priority to seniors living in low-income housing.
C40 transforms Knowledge Hub to better support city governments during COVID-19
The Hub is curating collection of media and resources on topics such as waste, food, buildings, transportation, public engagement, and more.
Toronto restaurant giving free meals amid COVID-19 job cuts
Little India, a longtime family restaurant in Toronto, is helping people who’ve lost their jobs by giving out free meals to anyone in need — no questions asked.
Carte Google Crowdsourced montrant les librairies canadiennes qui livrent
Carte cliquable du Canadien avec des liens vers des librairies indépendantes canadiennes qui offrent la livraison
Crowdsourced google map showing Canadian bookstores that deliver
Clickable map of Canadian with links to Canadian independent books stores that offer delivery
Virtual farmers’ markets: Nine ways to get local produce, grass-fed beef, sheep’s milk gelato and artisanal cheese delivered to your door
Links & description of services for each farm-based company participating in delivery services in the Greater Toronto area
Canadian startups quickly pivoting to help combat #COVID19
MaRS-supported startups are banding together against the coronavirus — shifting their everyday business pursuits in hopes of bringing the crisis to a decisive end. This link provides a platform for partnering, procuring or learning more from these Canadian companies
All the ways the University of Windsor’s campus community is working alongside the broader community in response to #COVID-19
University of Windsor’s COVID-19 Community Engagement page
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition releases COVID-19 harm reduction resources
The Coalition is collecting insights and guidance on best practices for people who use drugs and healthcare providers.
University of Alberta’s Universiade Pavilion (Butterdome) to house Alberta Health Services (AHS) secondary assessment and treatment centre
The centre is being established to meet the needs of patients who may be referred to an emergency department but not urgently, and patients whose family doctors may not be seeing patients with symptoms at this time.
L’Association canadienne du transport urbain suit les répercussions du COVID-19 sur l’industrie du transport en commun
L’A CUTA fournit aux membres du contexte et de l’information sur la gestion du COVID-19, ainsi que des conseils sur les pratiques exemplaires pour les exploitants de transport en commun en cas de pandémie.
Canadian Urban Transit Association tracking COVID-19’s impacts on public transit industry
CUTA is providing members with context and information on COVID-19 management, along with guidance on best practices for public transit operators during a pandemic.
Ryerson City Building Institute launches online discussion series on urban impacts of COVID-19
This discussion series brings together notable urbanists and Ryerson academics for insightful discussions of how the global pandemic will change the way we live.
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