Une plateforme collaborative en temps réel comportant des ressources, des outils et des récits qui vous instruisent sur la manière avec laquelle les bâtisseurs et les résidents de la ville font face à la COVID-19
Nous voici au moment ultime où le Canada doit exploiter sa résilience en misant sur la communauté. Nous vous demandons de nous faire connaître des moments où les communautés canadiennes ont su faire face à la crise en faisant preuve de créativité et d’imagination. Les approches collectives à la résolution de problème et la collaboration seront au cœur des solutions adoptées par le Canada pour atténuer les répercussions locales de la COVID‑19.
Les initiatives soulignées
A bike path connecting Canada and the US will be found on the new Gordie Howe International Bridge connecting Windsor and Detroit
The multi-use path will work for pedestrians and cyclists. Community, including Bike Windsor Essex, advocated for the appeal and usefulness of the route to support active transportation and a healthy lifestyle while also contributing to cycle tourism across the border. Pedestrians and cyclists will need to bring passports/documentation to cross the border when the bridge opens in 2024 — but Canada will waive the bridge tolls.
Transforming a Restaurant into an Outdoor Market using simple furniture designs
A restaurant in Dallas is coping with the pandemic by leveraging Better Block’s approach to adaptive urbanism. The Better Block crew had constructed several wooden market stalls that were going to be used for a pop-up outdoor market in the Allen project. Now, they’ve used them to turn Oddfellows into an actual outdoor market, stocking the shelves with the restaurant’s stock and selling neighbors staples that may be difficult to find at the stores that remain open.
The City of Vancouver launches its Temporary Expedited Patio Program
This free program will allow restaurants and liquor-serving establishments to create temporary patios on streets, on-street parking spaces, or sidewalks either in front of or adjacent to their venues.To hasten the process, template patio drawings are being offered and a staff team has been dedicated to reviewing the applications. Permits will be issued within two business days for applications that meet requirements.
Toronto’s ‘rescue operation’ for restaurants includes fast-tracked approvals, more space for patio dining
Called “CafeTO”, the city program is identifying sidewalk and right-of-way space, including “parklets,” adjacent to bars and restaurants that can be made available for outdoor dining with physical distancing to ensure minimal chance of virus infection. The normal patio approval process will be dramatically streamlined, city council will be asked to waive fees, and the Ontario government is agreeing to help quickly address any liquor licensing issues
Montréal crée un bassin de designers et d’architectes montréalais pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre des projets temporaires de développement urbain pour les rues commerciales.
La sélection d’un groupe de soumissionnaires qualifiés et compétents permettra ainsi à la ville d’être plus agile dans l’attribution de contrats de service professionnels d’un commun accord. De cette façon, les arrondissements et les services municipaux ainsi que les Sociétés de développement commerciale pourront faire appel à des équipes préqualifiées pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre des mesures qui traitent de leurs problèmes, tels que les itinéraires modifiés et la mobilité des utilisateurs, l’embarquement sécuritaire et le débarquement des usagers du transport en commun, les files d’attente pour les entreprises, les zones de vente et de consommation en plein air, les espaces de ramassage et de livraison fonctionnels et techniques et de livraison. , aires de repos et mobilier urbain (p. ex., toilettes, bancs, réceptacles d’ordures sans contact). Étant donné la nature expérimentale des projets de développement temporaire en cours et à venir, il est important de faire bon usage d’une gamme ou de solutions de haute performance qui peuvent être déployées dans toute la ville.
Architecture Sans Frontières Québec apporte un soutien technique aux entreprises montréalaises pour s’adapter aux mesures de distanciation physique et de santé
Grâce au financement de la Ville, l’organisme aidera plus d’une centaine de commerçants dans le besoin à adapter leurs établissements à se conformer aux mesures de distanciation sociale et de santé émises par les autorités de santé publique. L’ASFQ produira également un guide d’adaptation commerciale, dont la sortie est prévue en juin. Jusqu’en octobre, une équipe de professionnels prêtera main forte en effectuant des audits et des adaptations de santé pour les petites entreprises indépendantes afin de réduire les risques de propagation du COVID-19.
Restaurants Canada holding a series of « Rapid Recovery Series Sessions »
10 sessions designed to help operators reopen, reinvent, and rebuild their businesses. All sessions will be recorded and sent out to registrants post-series. Sign up to secure your spot and ensure on list to be sent a recording.
Restarting Restaurants, Food Services & Retail webinars for Downtown Victoria businesses
Run a restaurant or food service business? Have questions about reopening and operating safely during COVID-19? Join us Wednesday, June 10th 10AM – 11:30AM for a FREE Q&A session. The expert panel includes the Chief Medical Officer for Island Health and the BC Restaurant and Food Association. These sessions are co-hosted by the Downtown Victoria Business Association and Community Micro Lending. As we adjust to living and working with COVID-19, we’re offering two sessions to help businesses reopen and operate safely: Two webinars planned:
Restarting Restaurants & Food Services on Wednesday, June 10th 10AM – 11:30AM
Restarting Retail on Thursday, June 11th 11AM – 12:30PM
Ottawa opening public washrooms at five beaches, public parks
The City of Ottawa has announced the seasonal washrooms at Andrew Haydon Park, Britannia Park, Westboro Beach, Mooney’s Bay Beach and Petrie Island beaches. Water fountains at the five parks and beaches will also be turned on.
Patios Everywhere program will help local restaurants reopen safely in Barrie
This program is in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and will support local restaurants by providing flexibility to restaurant owners while at the same time ensuring safety standards and measures remain in place. The Patios Everywhere Program is intended to address patios that are outside of the downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA).
Toolkit for Reopening Canada’s Economy
Toolkit prepared by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Canadian Business Resilience Network is designed to provide guidance, or access to guidance, for business owners and senior managers responsible for re-establishing their operations while ensuring the health and safety of operators, staff, customers and the general public is at the forefront.
Mississauga Made is an online initiative inspired to support and promote local businesses across the City.
Platform for supporting local businesses includes:
The City of Portland is launching innovative and transformative street-related policies to use street space for people — and less for drivers and their cars —to help businesses survive.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation will allow local business owners to apply for permits so they can offer food and other services in the public right-of-way. This goes far beyond a simple sidewalk dining permit and is expected to fast-track a host of new possibilities like customer queuing zones in what used to be parking spaces and dining tables and barber chairs in streets and parking lots.
Commercial District Recovery Guide, developed by Streetsense, a collective marketing agency
The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health collects COVID resources related to health equity and the social determinants of health that are of relevance to Canadian public health.
Updated regularly, this site includes links to webinars, organizations, publications and tools.
The Quebec government has developed a toolkit for reopening businesses safely
A generic prevention guide and interactive and printable quick references are offered for all work environments. A poster serving as a reminder of the preventive measures for workers’ health in the context of COVID‑19 is also available. The proposed measures must be adapted by the different sectors to their specific conditions to guarantee that operations can resume or continue under the safest and healthiest possible conditions. Special tools for certain economic sectors are also available.
‘Safe Return to Business: A Public Health Toolkit for the Windsor-Essex Business Community’ provides guidelines, best practices, and resources for businesses and workplaces in the WindsorEssex community
This toolkit will help businesses and workplaces incorporate pandemic planning and preparedness into reopening in a manner that prioritizes the health and safety of business owners, employees, customers, and the community. The six wmain guidelines were developed from reviewing several key federal and provincial resources, and are applicable to the various Windsor-Essex County businesses and workplaces across all sectors that remain open or are preparing to reopen.https://www.wechu.org/sites/default/files/edit-resource/em-safe-return-business/covid-19-toolkit-small-businesses-safely-reopen.pdf
City of Cornwall: Business Reopening Toolkit
Cornwall Economic Development has developed an online Business Reopening Toolkit to help in this process.The Toolkit is a collection of resources that include a 6-page guidebook, and a number of posters, fact sheets and guidelines – including an easy to use calculator for determining the maximum number of people allowed in a store under current social distancing guidelines.
Toolkit prepared by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Canadian Business Resilience Network is designed to provide guidance, or access to guidance, for business owners and senior managers responsible for re-establishing operations
Oliver receives COVID-19 funds for portable toilets, signage
Funding to the Town’s Emergency Operations Centre will go towards portable toilets for domestic farm workers (and vulnerable people). These porta-potties with hand washing stations will be installed on the Town-owned lot on Main Street, at the Oliver Visitor Centre, and the empty lot on Station Street (adjacent to the food bank). Bilingual signage promoting social distancing will be installed in parks, ball fields, beaches and the hike and bike trail. Funds will also go towards bylaw enforcement (via park ambassadors) in May. The ambassadors will patrol local parks seven days a week providing education on social distancing.
The City of Toronto is rolling out a phased reopening all park washrooms over the next several weeks beginning with Trinity Bellwoods. Toronto Public Health also will create guidelines for the safe opening of washrooms and other amenities.
The lack of public toilets in Toronto has long been a glaring public health issue, but the issue of access to restroom facilities has grown more urgent as the public is encouraged to wash hands frequently in order to curb spread of COVID-19.Earlier this month, the city opened eight portable washrooms and hand-washing stations and six locations with showers and access to drinking water for people who are experiencing homelessness.
Province of BC adds 35 portable toilets along routes for truck drivers
A newly released map details the various rest locations where portable toilets have been installed at select commercial vehicle brake-checks, inspection stations and chain-ups.The B.C. Trucking Association has pitched in with a food truck project, offering free meals for truckers at cardlock fuel stations in Chilliwack, Kelowna, Kamloops and Prince George.
Nanaimo approves on-street patios, sidewalk seating
Nanaimo councillors agreed to reallocate $25,000 from the city’s downtown event grants budget toward the program.
Vancouver City Council has directed city staff to reallocate at least 11% of existing road space (220 km)
All of this is in addition to the 50 km of temporary “slow streets” that will be created by July that benefit pedestrians and cyclists. A number of cities around the world have also made ambitious road reallocation changes that either create “slow streets” or establish new bike lanes.
Halifax Mobility Response – Streets and Spaces
The first phase of the Halifax Mobility Response plan began with the widening of sidewalks in high traffic areas, traffic signal modification and the implementation of temporary loading spaces for businesses in downtown Halifax and Dartmouth. Slow Street Implementation: Approximately 20 streets will be designated as ‘slow streets’. They will be open to local traffic only, to reduce vehicle volumes and to create a space for residents to walk, roll and cycle while adhering to physical distancing guidelines. Shape Your City Halifax project page has been created to provide residents with an opportunity to share suggestions
BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association Blueprint for Re-opening in-restaurant dining
This document is a framework to provide best practices and protocols that the industry has worked together on. This information was put together with a consortium of experts in many different restaurants and
foodservice establishments in BC.
La Ville de Montréal offre une subvention pour les projets de construction dans les bâtiments qui abritent des entreprises d’économie sociale
Ce programme de subventions est accessible aux entreprises de l’économie sociale partout dans l’agglomération montréalaise qui répondent aux conditions. L’aide financière comprend :
- Une subvention qui couvre 40 des coûts des travaux admissibles de construction, de rénovation et d’agrandissement, jusqu’à 250 000 $
- Subvention supplémentaire qui couvre 50 des frais de services professionnels (architecture, conception, ingénierie, gestion de projet, urbanisme, archéologie ou consultants) jusqu’à 7,5 du coût des travaux admissibles de construction, de rénovation et d’agrandissement ou 50 000 $
Downtown Regina BIA has created colourful and communicative downloadable posters for businesses to put up
These posters are meant to be put up in downtown shops to communicate in a friendly way physical distancing rules, how many people allowed in a store at one time, and other changes that are in effect during COVID19 times.
Brampton asking residents for feedback on coronavirus reopening and recovery
The “Mayor’s Reopening and Recovery Working Group,” which is conducting the community stakeholder and resident feedback initiative, was launched on April 22. Residents looking to provide feedback on the city’s eventual reopening strategy can do so by filling out an online reopening survey on the city website at www.brampton.ca
Supporting local merchants and strengthening community resilience during COVID-19
The Wellington West Business Improvement Area (BIA) and Crowdfund Canada have launched LOVE.WellingtonWest.ca, a joint crowdfunding program to support more than 550 member businesses across Ottawa neighbourhoods.This is the first pilot for the Community Wealth Sharing Initiative, supported by the McConnell Foundation, and is offered at no charge. Residents can invest in the success of local merchants. In return, merchants can choose to offer rewards like store credit, services, or product giveaways to be redeemed whenever they decide.
Supporting Alberta businesses and strengthening community resilience during COVID-19
McConnell Foundation is piloting a Community Wealth Sharing Initiative in Alberta to expand a crowdfunding site so any business in Alberta can launch a crowdfunding campaign without any fees so that businesses can keep all the money they raise, whether or not they reach their fundraising goal.
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