bike lanes Archives | City Share Canada Thu, 15 Oct 2020 13:47:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bike lanes Archives | City Share Canada 32 32 Results from surveys of Montreal’s pedestrian streets and “pandemic tracks” show that residents are in favour Thu, 15 Oct 2020 13:47:57 +0000 The City conducted a web survey & also randomly interviewed people in the street. The “pandemic tracks”, these protected cycle paths installed on major arteries in the city, have garnered a very high level of support to the tune of 80%+, despite demonstrations by businesses in some spots. The pedestrianization of certain commercial arteries for the […]

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The City conducted a web survey & also randomly interviewed people in the street. The “pandemic tracks”, these protected cycle paths installed on major arteries in the city, have garnered a very high level of support to the tune of 80%+, despite demonstrations by businesses in some spots. The pedestrianization of certain commercial arteries for the summer period was also greatly appreciated, shows the same survey – between 74 to 83%.This includes the allowances made so that restaurant owners could enlarge their terraces to enable more outdoor seating. 

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