dashboard Archives | City Share Canada https://citysharecanada.ca/initiative-tag/dashboard/ Fri, 09 Oct 2020 16:45:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://citysharecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/favicon.png dashboard Archives | City Share Canada https://citysharecanada.ca/initiative-tag/dashboard/ 32 32 Toronto After the First Wave: Measuring Urban Vibrancy in a Pandemic is a student research project looking to document the urban experience in Toronto beyond the first wave of the pandemic in Fall 2020. https://citysharecanada.ca/initiative/toronto-after-the-first-wave-measuring-urban-vibrancy-in-a-pandemic-is-a-student-research-project-looking-to-document-the-urban-experience-in-toronto-beyond-the-first-wave-of-the-pandemic-in-fall-202/ Fri, 09 Oct 2020 16:45:32 +0000 https://citysharecanada.ca/?post_type=initiative&p=2332 Over the next 2 months, Toronto After the First Wave: Measuring Urban Vibrancy in a Pandemic will track the continuing impacts of COVID-19 on the city and Toronto’s road to recovery with respect to public health, prosperity and public life.

The post Toronto After the First Wave: Measuring Urban Vibrancy in a Pandemic is a student research project looking to document the urban experience in Toronto beyond the first wave of the pandemic in Fall 2020. appeared first on City Share Canada.

Over the next 2 months, Toronto After the First Wave: Measuring Urban Vibrancy in a Pandemic will track the continuing impacts of COVID-19 on the city and Toronto’s road to recovery with respect to public health, prosperity and public life.

The post Toronto After the First Wave: Measuring Urban Vibrancy in a Pandemic is a student research project looking to document the urban experience in Toronto beyond the first wave of the pandemic in Fall 2020. appeared first on City Share Canada.
