disaster recovery Archives | City Share Canada https://citysharecanada.ca/initiative-tag/disaster-recovery/ Thu, 06 May 2021 18:40:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://citysharecanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/favicon.png disaster recovery Archives | City Share Canada https://citysharecanada.ca/initiative-tag/disaster-recovery/ 32 32 Main street shops in the UK are repurposed as climate emergency centres: Community groups are revitalising retail units in often moribund high streets to help people and planet https://citysharecanada.ca/initiative/main-street-shops-in-the-uk-are-repurposed-as-climate-emergency-centres-community-groups-are-revitalising-retail-units-in-often-moribund-high-streets-to-help-people-and-planet/ Thu, 06 May 2021 18:30:00 +0000 https://citysharecanada.ca/?post_type=initiative&p=2661 The project self-funds by using a business model that enables owners of currently vacant business premises to reduce their Business Rates payments by up to 100% through ‘meanwhile leasing’ the property for community benefit to a not for profit / charitable organisation (the CEC). This means the project can acquire a vacant property to use […]

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The project self-funds by using a business model that enables owners of currently vacant business premises to reduce their Business Rates payments by up to 100% through ‘meanwhile leasing’ the property for community benefit to a not for profit / charitable organisation (the CEC). This means the project can acquire a vacant property to use to generate income through activities that meet local community needs in a sustainable way. In addition, the property owner can build good relationships with the local community and the local Council through supporting a creative and positive sustainability initiative.

The post Main street shops in the UK are repurposed as climate emergency centres: Community groups are revitalising retail units in often moribund high streets to help people and planet appeared first on City Share Canada.
