commercial Archives | City Share Canada
Thu, 06 May 2021 17:18:36 +0000fr-FR
1 Archives | City Share Canada
3232The City of Halifax is considering ways to help improve the predictability of property taxes for commercial property and business owners by bringing in a rolling three-year Assessment Averaging Program.
Thu, 06 May 2021 17:18:36 +0000 program will include phasing-in the annual valuation increase over a three-year period, for those properties exceeding the average commercial increase by five per cent. This will offer more certainty to commercial property and business owners that experience sudden spikes in property assessments with the current annual valuation system.
]]>This program will include phasing-in the annual valuation increase over a three-year period, for those properties exceeding the average commercial increase by five per cent.
This will offer more certainty to commercial property and business owners that experience sudden spikes in property assessments with the current annual valuation system.