EDGE UP 2.0 is a program with Calgary Economic Development to provide training for 320 displaced oil and gas professionals for careers in tech.
EDGE UP (Energy to Digital Growth Education and Upskilling Project) is a multi-stakeholder program launched in Calgary in 2019 to test new approaches to skills development for workers to re-engage with technology jobs being created in all sectors of Calgary’s economy. The EDGE UP 2.0 program is led by Calgary Economic Development and delivered in partnership with the Information and Communications Technology Council, University of Calgary Continuing Education, SAIT, Bow Valley College, Mount Royal University, and Riipen. The program targets professionals displaced from the structural change in the oil and gas sector. Students are trained for in-demand information technology jobs including data analysts, full-stack software developers, information technology project managers, cybersecurity analysts, UI/UX Designers, Digital Marketing, etc. Details on the NEW EDGE UP 2.0 program and how to apply will be available June 2021.
Building Atlantic Canada’s entrepreneurship and innovation sector with focus on BIPOC entrepreneurs and BIPOC-led organizations
BIPOC entrepreneurs and BIPOC-led organizations in Atlantic Canada are forming strategic partnerships with incubators and accelerators as part of a co-operative effort to dismantle historical systemic barriers built even higher by the pandemic.
UK accelerator Connected Places Catapult has launched a guide to jumpstart the UK’s economic recovery
Hubs of Innovation: A playbook for place leaders was created in collaboration with the UK Innovation Districts Group, with research led by The Business of Cities and is designed for place-leaders, anchor institutions and larger stakeholders who play key roles in the innovation sector. The report provides guidance to those at different stages of maturity in developing innovation hubs and draws on best practices from existing hubs such as MediaCityUK in Salford, the Belfast Innovation District, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in East London and the Knowledge Quarter in Liverpool.
Vaccine Hunters Canada is helping people find locations with vaccine availability, as the vaccine rollout can be confusing for many residents who’ve had trouble figuring out who’s eligible and where to go to get inoculated.
The organization, created by a Toronto-based web developer, shares up-to-date information on Twitter and Discord about eligibility and vaccine clinic locations across the country, and many have been using it to navigate the confusing process of booking appointments and getting that first dose. Volunteers monitor public health portals, vaccine clinic websites and tips from the account’s followers.
Delivery optimization solution pilot being offered to Toronto restaurants this winter
Through the pilot, Deliverect’s solution will connect UberEats, Doordash, SkipTheDishes, and other delivery companies directly to restaurants’ POS system in order to automate the online order process. Deliverect’s platform aims to alleviate the requirement to have staff maintain multiple tablets for delivery orders, reducing mistakes and wait times for customers. At least 100 independently-owned restaurants are expected to receive free access to the platform for 90 days through the pilot. The program seeks to pilot solutions that target challenges facing main street small businesses.
Startup TNT is a community of entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, innovators and startup supporters that gathers every week to have fun, share stories, and improving access to capital for early-stage tech companies.
They achieve this through increasing the pool of professional early-stage investors, educating entrepreneurs on fundraising best practices, and sustaining long-term relationships across all stakeholders. They raise funds through weekly happy hour events or “beer sponsorship”.
A Toronto restaurant is hiring cosplay delivery drivers
All drivers will be required to take the same strict COVID precautions, and will be masked while doing deliveries.
Edmonton Entrepreneurs Making a Difference
Independently owned restaurants, service businesses, retailers, tour operators and experience providers have continued to make Edmonton a place to be proud of, even when business could no longer operate as usual. In fact, many of Edmonton’s trailblazing entrepreneurs have found a way to give back to the community while working to keep their local businesses afloat during these uncertain times. Read on to learn more about the inspiring Edmontonians behind local businesses, and how they are stepping up through creative thinking and a spirit of community. Click here for even more entrepreneurs who are making a difference.
Six approaches to improving the look and feel of the city centre of Bradford (UK).
- Use empty retail spaces and 1st & 2nd floors to encourage independent shops and to incubate a recycle, repair and regenerate artisanal industry to create a healthy mix of well-designed work/live spaces.
- Use available micro spaces to set up pocket parks, as in cities such as Tokyo, Barcelona and San Francisco.
- Convert more streets to pedestrian use only, widen pavements on shared streets, and create better links to public transport.
- Strengthen alliances with other like-minded groups in Bradford to engage with Council to ensure a generous level of consultation well before important planning decisions are made.
- Work with community groups in Bradford to create activity spaces that can be enjoyed by all the city’s communities.
- Join with other groups to exchange ideas and learn from experiences.
Ground Floor Pop-Up Toolkit A resource for landlords & storefront activators to create win-win dynamics on the path to recovery from COVID-19
Are you interested in creating (or hosting) a pop-up but are not sure where to start?
In the wake of COVID-19 Wallplay has created a toolkit on how vacant spaces can be repurposed for public good. Wallplay has been facilitating pop-ups since 2013, we helped pioneer the “vacant space as pop-up venue” model and we are excited to share what we’ve learned.
Edmonton-based tech company creates digital registration system for office reopening
VisitorBay is a digital visitor management tool that allows for an automated sign-in process that is more secure than traditional paper methods. Before COVID-19, the company launched a digital registration system for clients that would see the end of paper sign-in sheets left out in the open for all to see. A few weeks into COVID-19, company founders Brett Carrier and Ricardo Casanova knew there was an opportunity to adapt their product to help companies.
City of Ottawa’s Innovation Pilot Program (IPP) provides companies the opportunity to test and quickly deploy their technology innovations in real-life testing environments with the City or one of its economic development partners
The City of Ottawa’s Innovation Pilot Program (IPP), managed by Economic Development Services (EDS), is shifting its focus towards COVID-19 economic recovery efforts. This new focus, the Recovery Stream, provides companies the opportunity to test and quickly deploy their technology innovations in real-life testing environments with the City or one of its economic development partners. The program provides companies with valuable feedback on their innovations, prior to scaling and production.
Independent movie theatre in Toronto « sells » seats to raise needed funds to survive COVID19-related closure.
To help keep the community engaged and to ensure the Fox Theatre in Toronto’s Beach neighbourhood will still be in business once the virus restrictions are lifted, a fundraising campaign was started by the theatre. For $150, plus taxes, community could purchase a plaque with their name on it to be put on seats at the historic theatre. The Fox posted information about the sale on their website and within a short amount of time all 251 seats were « sold ». The theatre later sold naming rights for other parts of the building.
Transforming a Restaurant into an Outdoor Market using simple furniture designs
A restaurant in Dallas is coping with the pandemic by leveraging Better Block’s approach to adaptive urbanism. The Better Block crew had constructed several wooden market stalls that were going to be used for a pop-up outdoor market in the Allen project. Now, they’ve used them to turn Oddfellows into an actual outdoor market, stocking the shelves with the restaurant’s stock and selling neighbors staples that may be difficult to find at the stores that remain open.
L’appareil Slider permet aux entreprises et aux clients d’interagir en toute sécurité pendant la pandémie
Le simple dispositif d’une petite entreprise de fabrication Coquitlam permet à deux personnes d’effectuer une transaction à deux mètres l’une de l’autre.
La Ville de Montréal lance un appel à propositions pour des organismes sans but lucratif afin d’offrir un soutien technique aux entreprises
Les propositions peuvent aborder les questions relatives à l’offre, au soutien administratif, à la gestion des personnes, aux systèmes de vente ou à d’autres domaines. Les solutions mises en œuvre aideront les petites entreprises à relever les défis du COVID-19.
Mi’kmaq sans but lucratif utilisant la technologie pour fabriquer des fournitures médicales
Une agence à but non lucratif gérée par Mi’kmaq utilise la technologie d’impression 3D pour fabriquer des fournitures médicales pour les travailleurs de la santé pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Les imprimantes 3D sont normalement dans les salles de classe de la Nouvelle-Écosse, mais elles sont maintenant à Halifax pour imprimer de l’équipement de protection qui peut être rare pour les collectivités isolées.
Artistes créant des peintures murales sur fermé et monté à bord des magasins à travers les rues principales à Vancouver
Les artistes de Vancouver travaillent ensemble pendant la pandémie coVID-19 pour créer de la beauté grâce à des peintures murales publiques. Une grande partie des zones les plus fréquentées de la ville se sont transformées en villes fantômes et les vitrines sont à bord. Mais le Vancouver Mural Festival (VMF) commande aux artistes de transformer ces fronts avec des œuvres d’art temporaires.
Library and museum staff helping in seniors’ homes during pandemic
More than 50 people who used to work in Bruce County’s libraries and museums have been asked if they could work with seniors instead. To date, the former librarians and archivists have just been screening people as they enter the nursing homes, but they’ll soon be trained to take residents to meals, clean bed pans, organize rooms, and eventually, even answer some call bells.
La Bibliothèque publique de Regina met ses serveurs à l’emploi des données COVID-19 croquantes
Grâce à un partenariat avec Folding@home, quatre des serveurs de la RPL et cinq ordinateurs de son Digital Media Studio travaillent d’arrache-pied pour croquer les données que les scientifiques du monde entier utilisent pour rechercher COVID-19.
Les bibliothèques canadiennes s’intensifient pour aider les personnes vulnérables en cas de pandémie
À Toronto, neuf succursales de TPL ont été converties en centres de distribution alimentaire au cours des dernières semaines, en partenariat avec trois banques alimentaires locales. À Montréal, la Grande Bibliothèque, la plus grande bibliothèque du Québec, a été transformée en espace de répit de jour pour les sans-abri.
Les bibliothèques canadiennes réagissent au COVID-19
Alors que les bibliothèques publiques de partout au Canada sont soudainement fermées en réponse à la pandémie du COVID-19, les dirigeants et les travailleurs des bibliothèques de partout au pays s’adaptent rapidement pour continuer à servir les gens, principalement en ligne. Cet article décrit certaines des initiatives à travers le pays des bibliothèques ou du personnel de la bibliothèque.
Dans le cadre de son soutien continu aux banques alimentaires de Toronto, la Bibliothèque publique de Toronto (TPL) fournit gratuitement de nouveaux livres aux enfants dans les paniers alimentaires qu’elle distribue par l’entremise de ses banques alimentaires pop-up.
Lorsque les clients visitent une banque alimentaire dans une succursale de TPL, bibliothèque le personnel ajoutera un livre adapté à l’âge pour chaque enfant d’une famille qui est intéressé. TLes banques alimentaires de PL ont été mises en place en partenariat avec la North York Harvest Food Bank, la Daily Bread Food Bank et Second Harvest dans neuf succursales de bibliothèques de la ville.
Les restaurants d’Edmonton ouvrent leurs garde-manger pour survivre à la pandémie du COVID-19
Les restaurants vendent maintenant des agrafes de garde-manger et du papier hygiénique pendant que les salles à manger restent fermées
Bc Outdoor wear companies change gears, start making protective gowns for health-care workers BC Outdoor wear companies change gears, start making protective gowns for health-care workers BC Outdoor wear companies change gears, start making protective gowns for health-care workers BC Outdoor
Mustang Survival et Arc’teryx travaillent avec d’autres entreprises pour fournir 90.000 robes dans les prochaines semaines
Les entreprises albertaines tiennent compte d’un nouvel appel en adaptant et en modifiant leurs modèles d’affaires pour aider à la guerre contre COVID-19.
Avec des entreprises rééquiper pour produire des écrans de protection, des points de distanciation sociale, des PPE et des services de conduite
Les entreprises albertaines tiennent compte d’un nouvel appel en adaptant et en modifiant leurs modèles d’affaires pour aider à la guerre contre COVID-19.
Avec des entreprises rééquiper pour produire des écrans de protection, des points de distanciation sociale, des PPE et des services de conduite
Le projet Northern Lights réunit les Canadiens pour qu’ils utilisent leur expertise pour produire des fournitures médicales indispensables dans le but de concevoir, construire et livrer tout, des masques aux unités de soins intensifs portatives.
Le projet a attiré une petite armée de développeurs, d’ingénieurs et de designers, tous cherchant à aider à lutter contre la pandémie. Il a également fait appel à des décorateurs de mariage, des couturières, des constructeurs de décors de films, des lycéens, des sauveteurs, des électriciens, des illustrateurs, des planificateurs d’événements et des installateurs de verre automatique, qui veulent simplement lancer dans ce qu’ils peuvent.
La Liste d’aide est une initiative sans but lucratif qui s’engage à organiser les ressources les plus pertinentes et les plus significatives pour le secteur canadien de la technologie pendant cette crise mondiale.
La Liste d’aide qui gère les ressources les plus pertinentes et les plus significatives pour le secteur canadien de la technologie pendant COVID19
La plateforme en ligne aide à mettre en relation les chercheurs d’emploi canadiens en technologie avec les employeurs; fournit des ressources de l’industrie pour la transition vers la technologie ou le travail de la maison, et sert de lieu pour les partisans de l’industrie de partager leurs services, séances, ressources, etc.
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