shelter Archives | City Share Canada Wed, 10 Feb 2021 14:29:10 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 shelter Archives | City Share Canada 32 32 Teepees and tent erected by Thunderbird House to warm homeless in Winnipeg Wed, 10 Feb 2021 14:29:10 +0000 Anishiative, a youth leadership program, set about putting up two teepees and a prospector tent next to Thunderbird House. The shelters are now called the Community Caring Camp. Both teepees will have fires inside and the prospector tent will have a woodstove, where people can warm up and grab some refreshments. As well as a warm […]

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Anishiative, a youth leadership program, set about putting up two teepees and a prospector tent next to Thunderbird House. The shelters are now called the Community Caring Camp. Both teepees will have fires inside and the prospector tent will have a woodstove, where people can warm up and grab some refreshments. As well as a warm place to go, the group will be handing out cold weather clothing for those who need it. Fontaine said they are also looking for donations of firewood, lights, coffee and volunteer time. He said people are needed to help keep the fires going and ensuring visitors are safe.

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