Economic Recovery Plans | Le leadership politique | Les entreprises locales | Rue Main

To generate such an economic recovery strategy, Heartland Forward (HF) has undertaken an extensive and detailed analysis of the NWA region’s strengths, challenges and opportunities. Our team has arrayed and assessed comprehensive data on its economy and industries, its small businesses and startup ecosystem, talent base, changing demographic composition and quality of place that stems from its arts, culture and recreation efforts and initiatives to develop a robust strategy for post-COVID-19 recovery.

By Ross DeVol, Richard Florida, Joel Kotkin and Dave Shideler

The City of Melbourne & the State launch $100 million city recovery fund that would offer practical support to small and medium-sized business, and the arts and cultural communities.

Activation de rue | Economic Recovery Plans | Le leadership politique | Les arts et la culture | Les entreprises locales | Rue Main | Réouverture | distanciation physique

The city recovery package focuses on outdoor trading, increased marketing, events and entertainment to attract workers and visitors back to the city. Town Hall will also waive permit fees, and the funding will pay for vacant shopfronts to be used for art installations and pop-ups.

The City of Edmonton is launching several environmental rebates and tools focusing on environmental upgrades over the summer to stimulate the economy.

Economic Recovery Plans | Le leadership politique | Les entreprises locales

This includes:

  • The Building Retrofit Accelerator rebate program facilitates renovations to improve energy efficiency in commercial and institutional buildings.
  • A solar rebate program to save up to $4,000 towards the installation of a solar electric system for their home
  • A rebate for residential and property owners interested in installing a Level 2electric vehicle charging station
  • an electric bike rebate program, which will let Edmontonians interested in buying an e-bike apply for rebates covering 30 per cent of the cost of the vehicle to a maximum of $750.

La Ville de Montréal offre une subvention pour les projets de construction dans les bâtiments qui abritent des entreprises d’économie sociale

Le leadership politique | Les entreprises locales

Ce programme de subventions est accessible aux entreprises de l’économie sociale partout dans l’agglomération montréalaise qui répondent aux conditions. L’aide financière comprend :

  • Une subvention qui couvre 40 des coûts des travaux admissibles de construction, de rénovation et d’agrandissement, jusqu’à 250 000 $
  • Subvention supplémentaire qui couvre 50 des frais de services professionnels (architecture, conception, ingénierie, gestion de projet, urbanisme, archéologie ou consultants) jusqu’à 7,5 du coût des travaux admissibles de construction, de rénovation et d’agrandissement ou 50 000 $

COVID-19: How are governments around the world responding to the call for stimulus?

General: Sector resources

Governments around the world are acting decisively to protect their businesses and people from the economic disruption being caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Whether through tax cuts, investment incentives or changes to filing deadlines, tax systems will play a significant part in helping to alleviate the financial and economic turmoil that is now occurring.Policy changes across the globe are being proposed and implemented on a daily basis. The EY COVID-19 Stimulus Tracker provides a snapshot of the policy changes that have been announced in countries around the world in response to the ongoing crisis.

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