Main street shops in the UK are repurposed as climate emergency centres: Community groups are revitalising retail units in often moribund high streets to help people and planet

Main Street | Street activation

The project self-funds by using a business model that enables owners of currently vacant business premises to reduce their Business Rates payments by up to 100% through ‘meanwhile leasing’ the property for community benefit to a not for profit / charitable organisation (the CEC). This means the project can acquire a vacant property to use to generate income through activities that meet local community needs in a sustainable way. In addition, the property owner can build good relationships with the local community and the local Council through supporting a creative and positive sustainability initiative.

Youth climate protest adapts to digital #ClimateStrikeOnline


The Fridays for Future movement, started by Greta Thunberg, will shift their national strike (April 3) to a digital strike due to COVID-19.

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