A community bulletin board in Nanaimo features stories and artwork by homeless creatives, along with news, announcements and a map of local services, the bulletin board is a point of information and connection for those without internet access.
The Word On The Street bulletin board is also a place for important news and community announcements, accessible 24-7 in the bookstore window. People without access to the internet can find weekly headlines, jokes and a map of local services. Community agencies can submit program updates or information on events and opportunities, to be added to the display. Send your announcements to streetword@literacycentralvi.org, tell your clients about this resource and stop by to check out the board! Literacy Central Vancouver Island, 19 Commercial Street, downtown Nanaimo.
#StandApartTogether campaign in Newmarket shines a bright light on town in the midst of COVID-19
Ten “Community Positivity Ambassadors” have been appointed and tasked with spreading positivity by using social media to share stories of “Newmarket’s bright side” and perseverance.
Key considerations for water and wastewater utilities responding to the coronavirus
Moonshot Missions, a non-profit organization founded by George Hawkins, the former General Manager of DC Water in Washington DC, has put together a “living document” compendium of best practices being implemented by water utilities in the face of this unprecedented challenge. Staff has compiled this checklist by reviewing resources from water associations, list-serves and dozens of utility response and continuity of operations plans.
Calgary YMCA launches Virtual YMCA for mind, body and spirit
The YMCA has created a webpage to keep Calgarians connected with the YMCA community. They are sharing stories, recipes, health and wellness tips, on-demand videos, activities for children, and more.
Le travail inquiétant des femmes dans la pandémie COVID-19
Au Canada, les femmes sont nettement plus inquiètes que les hommes au sujet de la crise COVID-19. Par exemple, un récent sondage réalisé par Abacus Data a révélé que 49 % des femmes ont déclaré se sentir “très inquiètes” de l’épidémie, contre 33 % des hommes. Trente-sept pour cent des hommes ont déclaré qu’ils n’étaient “pas du tout inquiets” ou “peu inquiets” à propos de l’épidémie.
Webinar series on adapting personally and professionally to COVID-19
The University of Laval’s Faculty of Business Administration is hosting a three-part webinar series with advice on how individuals and organizations can adapt to the crisis.
Health association of African Canadians updates on COVID-19
Health Association of African Canadians, NS Health Professionals and the Black Cultural Centre is providing interactive updates on COVID-19 and people of African descent
Health Association of African Canadians updates on COVID-19
Health Association of African Canadians, NS Health Professionals and the Black Cultural Centre will lead a 2nd interactive update on COVID-19 and people of African descent.
Links to some of the amazing online communities and resources to offer support and inspire connection during COVID19.
This fulsome list is a living document collected by Vancouver’s SFU’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University
Participedia is a global community sharing knowledge and stories about public participation and democratic innovations
Currently entries are focused on COVID19 responses
Digital inclusion in times of crisis — UK mobile operators give free access to National Health Service websites during COVID19
Digital exclusion goes hand in hand with social, economic and political exclusion. It is also complex: people need the appropriate device, connection, skills, confidence, and motivation as well as the ability to maintain those through changing circumstances.
Startup Calgary: COVID-19 Guidance & Resources
Startup Calgary has created a resource for the start-up community to navigate the impacts of COVID-19.
Canadian companies that are hiring during this time
A crowd-sourced list of employers who are hiring across Canada, organized by Unbounce, a Vancouver-based software company.
Toronto Society of Architects shares resources for members during COVID-19
Toronto Society of Architects creates space to share resources that might be helpful for members during COVID-19
Summary of Canada Council for the Arts’ programs for artists during the COVID-19 pandemic
Includes updates on COVID-19’s affect on Canada Council for the Arts’ programs including: Government support (Artists abroad, Employment Insurance, Other possible measures) and Canada Council operations (Financial losses, Suspension of funding (travel-related activities))
Lessons from Emergency Preparedness that can be applied to Covid-19
In 2013, Calgary non-profits faced a natural disaster. An analysis about how that helped them to prepare for COVID-19
City of Vancouver shares map of public facilities that remain open and welcoming to all, especially those needing to access washrooms
The City of Vancouver shared a map of public facilities, including community centres, remain open and welcoming to all, especially those who need access to washrooms.
Caremongering Vancouver
Vancouver-based Facebook Group for fostering community, offering support and resources, sharing opportunities/events that may be helpful to support community members, and organizing and staying connected to ensure vulnerable community members have access to food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. The space is also for the redistribution of resources, and for people to post about any needs for support (emotional or physical or otherwise).
Community-sourced COVID-19 Toronto app
A collaborative app with information, resources, ideas, and support networks made by a group of Torontonians. Find ways to get help, get assistance, and have fun in the spirit of community.
Ontario BIA Association shares list of resources for local businesses across Ontario
Ontario Nonprofit Network collects information and resources for nonprofits
ONN has collected information and resources for nonprofits on the frontline, including communication strategies, business continuity planning, and updates on funding and resources.
Alberta Nonprofit Network provides resources for nonprofits
Alberta Nonprofit Network has partnered with the Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (ECVO) and FuseSocial to be resource hubs for COVID-19 information. Check out their website for: resources for workplaces; community/sub-sector specific resources; and Alberta-specific FAQs.
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